Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sheikh Abdul Hamid Mursi

This is one of my best friend, Mr Abdul Hamid Mursi (left). He from Egypt and was invited by our goverment, Terengganu to be a teacher in the IQ Terengganu. He came to Malaysia early 2006 and did his job very well. He is a specialist in Arabic teaching and I learned a lot from him. He also have a good voice and this make him a good 'Qari' (al-Quran reciter).

My friend spend three amazing years in our country and had to leave Malaysia on 5 November, 18 days ago. What make me feel unhappy is I couldn't go to the airport at that day because of the busy scheduale, and I feel guilty for that. Anyway I hope Mr Abdul Hamid will have a good days with his family in egypt.

The onother person in the picture (right) is Mr Abdullah. He is from Egypt too. He still with us here in IQ Terengganu and still have another two years with us as he arrived early this year.