Monday, June 8, 2009

Bukit Gambang Water Park - We Missed The Bus

Early this year, we planned to visit Langkawi in this School Holiday - May 29 to Jun 13 -. About two weeks ago, we changed our plan and decided to go to Kemaman - Mini Zoo dan Taman Tema-. Then we decided to add another location in our vacation, Bukit Gambang Water Park.

I started to google the location, get the needed information and booked the hotel through Cuti Malaysia. We should make our journey tomorrow morning. Everything is go smothly until yesterday when Hammad got fever. He was super active at the morning as usual, playing in the bathroom about an hour at the afternoon, making me angry by spreading water around the house... In the afternoon, he said he had headache. Then we realised he got fever aka demam panas after Maghrib Prayer.

We went To the clinic, of course his faverite clinic -Klinik Norazlina at Bukit Payung-. His fever go from bad to worse at the night. He couldn't eat anything at all. All night long, he kept tell me he had headache, but I can do nothing.

Today he didn't eat anything at all. Just a litle food and everything will 'get out' from his mouth-sorry, do not get the right word-. We were very worry. I told myself that we will go to the hospital tomorrow if his condition get worse. I went to Cuti Malaysia site, canceling the reservation and miss the bus...

I went to Maghrib Prayer. Bought something. Prayed The Isya' Prayer and returned home. What a suprise. He was active like Yesterday morning. Now he is jumping, running, making an acrobate moving etc... And asking if we will go to Bukit Gambang tomorrow.

Maybe we will go to Kemaman on Wednesday, to the mini zoo, but who know we will continue our journey to BGWT...