This is the fifth lesson from the language course. I learned a lot of new thing in this course, and hope my readers will get a good information too. Enjoy yourself...
Part 5 - Motivation for language learningWhy do most people fail in their quest to learn a foreignlanguage?
It's certainly not because they lack the ability to speak aforeign tongue.
It is most likely because they give up far too soon.
This is the single most detrimental act you can do to preventyourself from achieving your language learning goals.
There is no need to give up too soon. You have the ability tolearn a foreign language, you just need to know how to go aboutit.
The second most dangerous thing you can do, almost as costly asgiving up altogether, is to take a break. This is deadly tolanguage learners.
I have seen it happens hundreds of time. A learner takes a break,only for a few days they convince themseleves. They have otherthings to take care of, other commitments, or they simply needa break.
What happens next is that, the break of a few days turns into aweek, that turns into two weeks, eventually a month elapsesbefore they pull out the books again and find that they haveforgotten plenty of what has been learned.
Language learning is cumulative, and a break will put you backmany weeks. You will have to make up those weeks by redoing whatyou have already learned. Unfortunately our uncommitted languagelearner has had enough now and doesn't want to go back and relearnmaterial he has gone over once. That short break, like the vastmajority of shorts breaks do, eventually leads into the givingup syndrome.
Either way, the learner gives up and their goals, which are sorealistically obtainable, are never achieved.
"How to learn any language, on your own, as quickly and easily aspossible"
The definitive guide to learning any foreign language.
Click here ------->
So how do you stop your motivation from flagging in the long run?
Here a few tips on keeping your motivation going, long term.
1. Have a goal
If you don't have a goal then you can never achieve a success.Make sure you have something to aim for. You may have to pass anexam for college or to forward your career. Make your goal passingthat exam.
Of course you may not have an exam to pass. Set your own goals andset a date to reach them by. Find a text you can't yet read or a TVprogram you can't yet understand and aim to read/understand it bya certain date.
If you have a goal to aim for then you will be far more motivatedto get there.
2. Learn about the culture behind the language
Languages don't exist on their own. They have an entire culturebehind them and just about every culture on earth is fascinatingin one way or another.
There is a great amount of satisfaction to be obtained in notjust learning the language in question, but learning about the lifebehind the language.
If you are learning Russian for example you can read about Russianhistory, contemporary Russia, Russian sport, Russian television,travel in Russia and anything else about the country you desire.
This is something you will quickly become obsessed with and willonly make the language learning process far more enjoyable.
3. Plan a trip
The most useful thing you can do with any language is visit acountry where it is spoken. So set a date by which you will haveachieved a standard in your language whereby you will be able tosurvive in a foreign country.
You can then start planning the trip for that date. You don't haveto commit to anything, just research places to go, things to see,hotel and travel arrangements etc.
If you are approaching your set date and find that you areadvanced enough to make your trip, then go! There is no bettermotivation for improving your language skills than using it inaction.
4. Learn in an enjoyable way
Learn in a way that is enjoyable for you. Don't just stick tothe learning materials that you find in the bookshop. Findsomething that stirs up excitement in yourself.
If you are a sports fan get your hands on foreign sports showsand magazines. If you like cookery get a hold of some foreigncookery books and make some fine overseas cuisine. If you enjoyliterature, obtain some of the best literary pieces in thelanguage you are learning. The choices are literally endless.
If you learn in this fashion, I don't see anyway that you canlose interest in your language.
Another example of this is choosing to learn a language based onan interest you already have. If you like Karate learn Japanese.If you like calligraphy learn Chinese. If you enjoy French foodand wine, learn French. If you enjoy Hans Christian Andersennovels, learn Danish!
Always try and have a vibrant interest and passion in everythingyou do.
5. Learn the right way
Something is always more enjoyable if you do it the right way.If you learn a language in the right way it will be far moreenjoyable, and you will learn quicker to boot, increasing yourmotivation further.
I'm going to use the swimmer as a parody here. Notice theswimmer whose technique is poor. He will be fighting with thewater, ever struggling, tired and slow across the pool. Incomparison the swimmer with good technique moves with ease,speed, grace and energy.
If you learn a language with poor technique it will be hard. Itwill be a struggle. And the chances are your motivation will wane.
If you learn the right way, it will be far easier and far moreenjoyable and your motivation will always be at its peak.
This mini-course will have given you some valuable techniqueson how to learn a language. If you want to know more than visitmy website.
=====> e-book ‘How to learn any language... on your own, as quicklyand easily as possible' sets out exactly how you should goabout learning any language so failure is not a possibility.
I hope this edition of the mini course helps you with findingmotivation to learn a language. There is no reason why anyonecan't learn any language they choose.
I wish you good luck and every success in your language learning.
Congratulations on completing the ‘How to learn any languagemini-course'.
I hope I have given you some valuable insights into languagelearning and made the journey somewhat easier for you.
If you want more tips like those in the mini-course, click herenow to get your copy of my ebook!
=====> hope to hear from you soon.
All the best,David Please feel free to forward this report to your friends andcolleagues. If you have received a forwarded copy you can get thecomplete course by clicking the following link. David Fisher - all rights reserved.